FYI…just a couple of public service announcements!
1. The caretaker, Jerry Sommers, is officially off duty for the summer season. Please give him and give Kevin Miller some time to decompress after a busy winter season. I know that both are willing to help their Jasper friends and neighbors, but the association’s contract with Jerry has expired for the season so he doesn’t “owe” us anything at this point.
They have offered a variety of services in the past and should you need something done on your property feel free to contact them for a list of services and corresponding fees.
2. We are all excited to get back into the swing of enjoying our time in Jasper, but please remember a couple of items:
•the speed limit through Jasper is 20
mph…car, truck, motorcycle, ATV, or
any other mode of transportation…the
speed limit is STILL 20 mph!
Please make sure that you, your kids,
grandkids, and guests are aware of
this; none of us want to see injuries
due to excessive speed
•follow the fire restrictions in place
3. I’ve had a lot of questions and
concerns about aggressive and/or
vicious pets. If you bring your pets,
and most of us do, it is your
responsibility to ensure that your pet
is not harassing people, other pets, or
wildlife. If it becomes a problem, law
enforcement can and will be
contacted. Anyone can call and make
that complaint, it doesn’t have to
come from the association
4. Finally, soak up that high mountain
fresh air, sunshine, and the company
of friends and family in our own little
slice of paradise.
I apologize if the tone of this message comes across as aggressive; that is not my intention. I simply want to touch on issues that several property owners have raised over that past 9 months.
As always, feel free to contact me or any other board member with questions or complaints.
The annual association meeting will be at 1:00 PM on July 2, 2022, at the pavilion. The association will provide meat, paper goods, dining utensils, water and iced tea. We ask that those attending bring a side dish or a dessert.
I believe we have 3 board members with expiring terms. I’ll verify that info and post more in the next week or so.
Please consider running for a term on the board. We welcome new board members and value the different perspectives everyone brings to the table. Our ultimate goal is the continuing strength of the Jasper community, now and in the future!
Enjoy your summer!
Kelly Curley
Jasper HOA